United States citizens improperly get rid of a significant amount of used motor oil. One gallon of used motor oil can contaminate about a million gallons of drinking water. For that reason, you need to follow appropriate guidelines to collect motor oil and have a reputable oil recycler.
First, you have to gather the right tools to collect oil from your automobile. You'll need at least three containers, an oil filter, a funnel, a screwdriver, and the right-sized spanners. Additionally, you should follow the appropriate procedure for the safety of your premises and compliance with standards.
Before you change the motor oil, turn your engine off, block the tires, and then set the parking brake.
Motor oil becomes less viscous when you warm the engine and flows out quickly and easily. Additionally, less-used oil sticks to the wall pans and other engine parts. Be careful of the engine temperature to avoid accidental burns. To warm up the engine:
Use a container that can hold twice the amount of oil in your engine's crankcase. After that, follow these steps:
You need to transfer the oil to an airtight, leak-proof container to enhance environmental and human safety. You should also avoid containers that previously held household chemicals such as pesticide, antifreeze, or bleach since they can contaminate the oil. Follow the procedure below to transfer the oil:
Use terms that are easy to remember. For instance, 'to be recycled oil' or 'dirty oil.'
If you accidentally contaminate the oil when you transfer it, take it to hazardous waste collectors for disposal. Dirty oil contaminated with gasoline or antifreeze is almost impossible to recycle and should be carefully disposed of. Do not put dirty oil in your trash can with other garbage.
Follow these steps to drain your filter:
To change the filter, follow the instructions indicated below and on top of it.
Find the right service to recycle your motor oil and filters. Used oil may have particles, but that does not make it impossible to recycle. As long as you have not mixed the oil with other fluids, recycling should be fine.
Do not dispose of used motor oil as inappropriate disposal harms the environment and economy. Instead, ensure you work with a company with extensive experience and in-depth expertise to handle the oil based on set regulations.
If you run a business that largely deals with used motor oil, you do not have to worry about the high volume of used oil your business generates. At Denver Oil, we recycle your used oil responsibly.